MTSS End of Year Wrap-Up

End of Year Wrap-Up for MTSS Schools

I know most people this time of year are just hoping to make it to the finish line - the celebrated last day of school. In light of that end-of-the-year vibe here are a few questions to ask yourself before you close out the books on this academic year. Ideally your MTSS SW leadership team can get together for one last meeting to celebrate your accomplishments and to identify a few areas to re-envision for next year.

Consider MTSS Sustainability


Which trainings and coaching supports did teachers like the best/feel were the most useful? And how can we continue to build on that success?

Which practices/trainings were flat out not successful (i.e. maybe teachers complained about too many steps or a confusing process)? Which of those practices can we cut altogether and which ones can we redesign to make it more streamlined?

Were there any requests that teachers made this year that we were not able to accommodate? Is there a way to plan for them for next year?

Assessments and Data-based Decision Making

Reflect on the data collection and data entry methods used this year. What worked? What needs to work better?

Were teachers able to make use of all the data to make decisions in a timely and responsive way? If not, what can be done to create an easier process for teachers and teams?

Did you incorporate any fidelity tools into your MTSS SW leadership team actions and planning? If not, what are two tools you can bring to the team next year for them to choose from to add to the overall MTSS system?

Staff Survey

Here’s a bonus idea if you can squeeze it in before the end of the year. Method 1. Ask you leadership team members to speak to their colleagues about what they would improve or change about the MTSS model at your school. Method 2. If you can put together a quick Google form to send out to all the staff in your school here’s a quick three questions that you could pose to all staff.

  1. If you could wave your magic wand what would you change about our MTSS process in our building? (Give multiple choice option of larger topics if you don’t want an open text box.)

  2. In 1 -3 sentences what is one MTSS lesson learned that you would share with staff new to our building?

  3. Is there an area that you would like to be a part of next year? (Again you can offer multiple choice here of available teams, workgroups, or aspects of your MTSS model if you don’t want to have an open text box.)

Sending you loads of well wishes for a smooth end of the school year and a chill summer vacation.

Erin Chaparro