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Tier 2 Data Teaming

Listen to new Tier 2 Data Teaming podcast here!

Believe it or not I was invited back! 😉 I had the chance to join Megan Cave over at the Teach by Design podcast and this time we were joined by our colleague Dr. Ginny Joseph, the Coordinator of PBIS and Mental Health at Orange County Department of Education, to speak about Tier 2 teaming. Over the last five years I’ve been leading the efforts to design and develop online training for educators who are on intervention assistance teams, also called Tier 2 teams. These teams often include about 6-10 people, some specialists, some classroom teachers, a lead instructional aide, and usually one person in an administrative role. It’s critical for these teams to have procedures and design guidelines to ensure that all students are being offered timely Tier 2 support. These teams also offer regular opportunities to review data so that student intervention plans can be adjusted.

If you’d like to listen to the first time I visited the Teach by Design podcast you can find that one here. Listen to original Tier 1 Data Teaming Podcast here!

Teach by Design